Adolescent Use of Mobile Phones after Lights Out

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Adolescent Use of Mobile Phones after Lights Out

Category: Article Review

Subcategory: Agriculture

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Adolescent Use of Mobile Phones after Lights Out
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Institutional Affiliation
Mobile phones are not only fascinating but also an attractive entertainment device that allows adolescents constantly contact with their friends besides providing them a sense of identity, credibility, and autonomy. The use of these devices, especially during bedtime, is remarkably prevalent among adolescents. Various researchers have connected the increased use of mobile phones during sleeping hours with elevated levels of fatigue. Tiredness, dizziness, headache, and other sleep disorders prevalent in modern society have been linked to excessive use of mobile devices. Extended use of mobile phones may result in more severe symptoms related to the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, and hormone levels. A study conducted by Van den Bulck indicates that the highest number of young adults use mobile phones after bedtime to access the internet and interact with their phones through phone calls and text messages. Only 38% of the participants never used these devices after lights out. The current study suggests a further increase in the use of these devices as they become sophisticated.
Keywords: Mobile phones, devices, adolescents, tiredness, fatigue, bedtime, sleeping hours

Adolescent Use of Mobile Phones after Lights Out
Brief Description of the Study
In the modern world of internet proliferation, the use of mobile phones during bedtime has become i…

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