Written Assignment

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Written Assignment

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Communication

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Written Assignment
In an audience that contains undergraduate students aged between 18 and 23 years in my school, I would start by analyzing the audience. While preparing the speech and while giving the speech, I will ask the students what they hope to learn from the speech and how I can assist them in archiving their goals so as to learn and understand what they care about (Lucas, 2008). Analyzing the audience is very effective because it helps the speaker to connect with the audience’s beliefs and it also helps the speaker to get attention from the students.
When speaking to an audience that contains the local community members aged between 40 and 65, I would exercise compassion and patience because this as an audience that contains elderly people. Elderly people are always characterized by physical challenges, neediness, slow movement, forgetfulness and apathy (Lucas, 2008). This strategy will be effective as it helps the speaker to connect with the audience and it helps the speaker to meet the demands and the needs of the audience. The audience will be more open with the speaker and they will have the courage to ask questions to understand better.
When speaking to an audience that includes local community members with different political ideas, I will first learn about the audience apology by asking the event organizer about what the audience expects me to talk about. After knowing the audience’s ex…

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