What is statistics and how do see this course applied to your own world?

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What is statistics and how do see this course applied to your own world?

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Statistics

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

What is statistics and how do see this course applied to your own world?
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What is statistics and how do see this course applied to your own world?
Statistics is a set of procedures used by social scientists to organize, summarize, and communicate information. Statistics provides a rigorous toolbox, which helps in framing the discussions about uncertainties, which arise from sample information (Calver, 2018). It’s a highly interdisciplinary field with applicability in nearly all scientific fields.
We live in an information world today, and much of the information is determined statistically. Data and statistics concepts are essential to be well-informed. This course has applied to my world by emphasizing intuition and common sense. At the same time, it demonstrates the links between statistics and the importance of looking at various social issues. Today’s modern world is characterized by the rich and growing diversity of social differences. Real research examples were provided throughout the semester that pays careful attention to dynamic interplays of race, class, socioeconomic status, and gender among other social variables. Data is used to make interpretations and to predict things such as public opinion, health, illness, customer spending, and even a presidential election. Statistics focuses on the study of customer trends between the young and the old, between men and women, from different countries. Social science research, stati…

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