Utilitarianism and Categorical Ethics

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Utilitarianism and Categorical Ethics

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Ethics

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 550

Utilitarianism and Categorical Imperative Theories
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Utilitarianism and Categorical Imperative Theories
In every decision people make, there is an element of ethics involved. Ethical considerations refer to what is right and wrong according to given moral values as opposed to viewing the situation from a legal point of view. As an employee of ABC company, Luke has the duty and obligation to put the interest of his company first. From a personal point of view, there is also the issue of his brother. By allowing the project to go through, the price of land would decrease significantly. The situation that Luke finds himself in is an example of the ethical dilemma that most people go through. By using the Utilitarianism and Kant’s Categorical Imperative theories, Luke should be able to get guidance as well as decide on the way to go as far as ethics is concerned.
Luke’s situation presents an ethical dilemma. The main problem the Luke faces is whether to act in the best interest of ABC the company which he works for or to act in the best interest of Owen, his brother who is very close to him. The main issue in contention is that choosing one side may have an adverse effect on the other side. If he chooses to lead the project of ABC and later on his brother sells his house, Owen stands to lose out from the market value of the house. In contrast to that, ABC may halt the announcement of their plans to allow Owen to get …

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