Use both an emic approach and an etic approach to describe arranged marriage.

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Use both an emic approach and an etic approach to describe arranged marriage.

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Anthropology

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Emic and Etic Approaches in Describing Arranged Marriages
There are emic and etic approaches related to marriage formats that the groom and bride have little control on an already agreed and planned marriage by their families. In other instances, they have no control at all. Being an outsider, I fail to comprehend how an arranged marriage comes about through the etic approach. It is much worse for a newcomer into these cultures and practices. In American culture, people are more used to the idea of marriage based on love because two people who love one another choose to be together and spend the rest of their lives living and supporting one another. This is contrary to the Indian cultural practice where two people’s marriage gets arranged by their parents (McCurdy). As per the etic manner, unions that have been organized are bound to last, and hence are known for low divorce rates. As per statistics, in accordance to etic approach, arranged marriages are likely to endure because the two individuals are in a relationship where they are still learning one another, and this creates strong bonds in marriage.
On the other hand, emic approach becomes successful since it engages the applied anthropologist to live with and like the people in the culture they are getting mixed up. The fact that one gets personally involved paves the way for someone to be able to connect to the culture they are in and hence get to comprehend why something happens the way they do. For instance, in…

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