The Effects of Means-Tested Social Programs

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The Effects of Means-Tested Social Programs

Category: Critical review

Subcategory: Human Services

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Week 4 Discussion 1: Means-tested Social Programs
Means-tested Social Programs for Parenting in The State of Louisiana
The means-tested social programs available for Eboni provided by Louisiana State are Louisiana Head Start as well as Louisiana Special Supplementary Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC). The Head Start program aims at promoting school readiness of children aged zero to five years ( para. 2). The program has the objective of enhancing the social, cognitive, and emotional development of children. On the other hand, the services that Eboni is likely to benefit from the WIC program include nutrition education, supplement foods, and health care referrals.
Long-Term Outcomes Associated With the Means-Tested Program
A child’s early diet plays a vital role in their future health. Children can only become more resistant to diseases as they grow through proper management of initial diets during their early growth and development periods (Department of Children and Family Services para. 1). For instance, the state of Louisiana, through its Head Start program advises parents to feed children with adequate quantities of energy intake and protein-rich foods with docosahexaenoic acid supplementation to boost cognitive function.
Healthy cognitive, social, and emotional development among children begins within an interpersonal context, which entails a positive relationship wit…

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