The Constitution of the United States

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The Constitution of the United States

Category: Article Review

Subcategory: History

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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The Constitution of the United States
1. Which Article of the Constitution tells us how to change the constitution if it needs to be done?
Article 5, the Amendment Process
2. Which Article of the Constitution deals with the office of the President and the Executive Branch of our government?
Article 2, the Executive Branch
3. Which Article of the Constitution deals with the Legislative Branch of Government?
Article 1, the Legislative Branch
4. Which Article of the Constitution tells us how the States will ratify the Constitution?
Article 5, the Amendment Process
5. Which Article of the Constitution tells us about the Federal Judiciary and the Supreme Court?
Article 3, the Judicial Branch
6. Which Article of the Constitution tells us which branch of Government will have the power to tax the citizens?
Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1
7. According to the Constitution, how is the President selected for office?
The President is chosen for a four-year term, not by direct race but rather by the Electoral College. Under this framework, each state has various individuals from the Electoral College equivalent to the number of individuals from the House and Senate. The applicant who gets the biggest number of votes in a state gets all the constituent votes of that state. The competitor with the lion’s share of the Electoral College turns into the President. In the event that no hopeful gets a larger part of the constitue…

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