The Benefits of Recycling Bottles

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The Benefits of Recycling Bottles

Category: Presentation or speech

Subcategory: Communication

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

The Benefits of Recycling Bottles
Institutional Affiliation

The Benefits of Recycling Bottles
I. Introduction
What do people do when thirsty or in the mood of a drink while on the go? They carry bottled water and refreshments along with them. Bottles are heroes, and yet when their work is done, they are thrown away and left to pile up in landfills and the streets. Bottles continue to pile up in landfills each year, thus there is a need to recycle them. The bottles recycling has various benefits such as less environmental pollution, conservation of natural resources as well as the creation of jobs.
II. Body
1. Point 1
Recycling of plastic bottles helps to conserve the environment by reducing pollution.
a. Less greenhouse gas emissions
Recycling of plastic bottles eliminates the need for manufacturing new plastic materials; reduces the carbon footprint in the atmosphere thus reducing the greenhouse effect.
b. Reduced emission of toxic chemicals from decomposing plastics
Plastic bottles release poisonous chemicals when they break down, despite taking so long to decompose. These chemicals destroy the soil they are infiltrated into and contaminate the water in the ground, which pollutes the environment (Thompson, Moore, Vom Saal, & Swan, 2009)
2. Point 2
Natural resources are greatly conserved when plastic bottles are recycled. Manufacturing of new plastic material utilizes large amounts of crude oil (Hopewell, Dvorak, & Kosior, 2009)…

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