technology in the preschool classroom

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technology in the preschool classroom

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Education

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Technology in the Preschool Classroom
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Technology in the Preschool Classroom
Scholars perceive that the early exposure of children to literature is essential in regard to their cognitive development in which the benefits associated with the exposure are viewed as long-term (Howard & Wallace, 2016). Also, Howard and Wallace (2016) argue that literacy software brings about positive results when it comes to the literacy development in children. The apps included in the analysis are Hungry Caterpillar Play School, and Lola’s ABC Party Free-Learn to Read which focus on developing basic literacy skills in children. The Hungry Caterpillar Play School app’s seller is StoryToys Entertainment Limited who also serves as its copyright. Its copyright date is 2018 in which one can access it through iTunes. Lola’s ABC Party Free-Learn app’s seller is Beiz Oy who also serves as its copyright. Its copyright date is 2014 in which one can also access it through iTunes. The target group for both applications is children between two and six years old. The age-group is easily identified as both apps contain a comprehensive curriculum for children between two and six years old. The apps were selected on the fact that they focus on language development and literacy. Therefore, it can be viewed that the goal of both applications is to support the development of language and literacy in children. Two standards on language and lite…

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