Technology Has Evolved

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Technology Has Evolved

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Communication

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

How Technology has evolved
Technology has evolved over time making mobile devices very popular, convenient, user-friendly thus affecting and bringing a shift on the internet at large. The accelerated shift to a more mobile internet has led to people departing from using the web (Donner, 155-157). This has also had its own shortcomings compared to using the web/ much as the mobile apps are found to be efficient and an income generating avenue, they are not exhaustive and you find that they lack the capacity to hold as much content as the web thus one can’t be able to see the whole internet on a phone. Further to this, controlling content is not as easy as compared to the web leading to lack of privacy and at times becomes even hard to enforce copyright rights. Lastly, it is hard for hacker and coders to alter code or change internet from a phone (Donner, 158- 160).
The paper largely uses the rational choice theory to try to explain the relationship between changes in technology from web/browsers to mobile internet platforms, how they affect human beings and in return, the impact human beings have on such changes. According to the theory, consumers will always be logical and mostly act rationally in the choices they make to achieve maximum satisfaction. The theory further provides a deeper and accurate understanding on human beings such for more efficient, faster, portable and easy to use channels of accessing internet informatio…

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