Supporting Materials for Speeches

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Supporting Materials for Speeches

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Communication

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Supporting Materials for Speeches
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Supporting Materials for speeches
The speech titled “Women’s Rights are Human Rights” was presented by Hillary Rodham Clinton during the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women. This speech includes materials to support its main points. These supporting materials are in the form of examples, statistics, and testimonies. Hillary uses examples to illustrate the violation of human rights which specifically affect women. Hillary also provides statistics to back up her main points. The statistics support the high illiteracy level among women, high levels of poverty among women, and domestic violence as a leading cause of death among women. Hillary also uses her personal experiences, in the form of testimonials, to illustrate how the actions of women all around the world positively affected their nations rather than their communities. In Hillary’s speech, she mostly uses examples to support her main points. Each can relate to these examples since they happen in every society. I found the use of statistics as supporting materials to be very convincing. Statistics are based on research hence they are more compelling.
In my speech, I will include examples and statistics to support my main points. The audience will be able to relate more with the topic if I give relevant examples of actual occurrences in the society. It is easier to convince the audience if the examples are relatable to their exper…

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