Spotify Digital Outreach Campaign

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Spotify Digital Outreach Campaign

Category: Presentation or speech

Subcategory: Mathematics

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Spotify Digital Outreach Campaign
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Digital Media
The digital media is gradually shaping how companies market and advertise to a discrete pool of online consumers. A wide collection of digital media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and WhatsApp link millions of online users, and in the process provide brands with better outreach opportunities. Spotify digital campaign that was responsible for 40% increase of new subscriptions and 90% of financial savings tapped exclusively into digital media by attracting new subscriptions and enhancing the sale of digital music and songs by both online and offline buyers (Katumba, 2018). Spotify utilized users’ playlist and search data to design a thematic campaign titled ‘’2018 Goals.” This digital campaign not only strived to increase the visibility of songs purely in Spotify Website, but it also acted as a new and creative way to usher in 2018 (Spotify, 2018). This data-driven digital campaign integrated different digital capabilities to capture the attention of viewers and internet users.
For instance, millions of viewers across the world took pictures and selfies of these billboards and shared in their social media networks. Perhaps the greatest impact of this campaign was the cyclical impact it created. Millions of users took selfies in front of the billboards and brought online when they shared in digital platforms (Brafton, 2018). It is approximated that ne…

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