Speaker research paper

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Speaker research paper

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Communication

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

This executive summary is about the life of presenter Joseph Walker and the organization he works for.
Presenter’s Biography
He is a Manager of External Communications in an organization called the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT’S). It took Joe about 37 years since his career started in 1980 to become the successful manager he is today. Then, he was a staff writer for newspaper Desert News in Salt Lake City. While writing for Desert News, he ended up being the newspaper’s television and live theatre critic for his prowess. He later went ahead to be an online editor and reporter on religion (Harwood 4). He oversees the organization’s public communications through advertising, public relations, and media. He is a holder of Bachelors in Mass Communications and a Masters in Public relations in Communication. He is known for his intriguing safety advertisements of the freeway’s overhead message boards especially on Monday mornings and providing public relations and communications services to the Church of Latter-day Saints. He is from Salt Lake City County but currently lives in Layton with his wife, Anita (Schultz 14). His Interests are writing freelance columns, books, speeches and scripts. Walker has for 25 years been writing a value-oriented newspaper column called ValueSpeak, an article which appeared weekly in newspapers around the country.
The organization Joseph works for as named above, Utah …

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