Respond video 2.1

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Respond video 2.1

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Communication

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Communication Strategies-Walt Disney Company
Walt Disney is one of the successful American animators who pioneered the carton film industry and developed it for entertainment purpose throughout the world. The language barrier has been the most stressful challenge facing the company over the years. To overcome this, a number of strategies have been developed to ensure that the film industry reaches a wide range of viewers. This paper addresses the strategies that the Walt Disney should employ to solve the issues of a language barrier to ensure growth and wide coverage.
First, the company must employ the use of simple and understandable communication. The use of idioms and jargons must be simplified as the target audience consists of different markets. In verbal types of communication, on the other hand, the company should employ the use of slow and simpler language to enable understanding among its audience (The Walt Disney Company).
Secondly, the company must emphasize the use of visual communication systems to overcome language barrier presented during the use of audio systems of communication. The employment of short visual movies will help to present the identity of the company towards its audience (The Walt Disney Company).
Lastly, the selection of worldwide spoken languages such as English, Spanish, French and Dutch will be fundamental in filmmaking. Widely used languages should be given the priority because they pr…

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