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Category: Essay

Subcategory: History

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

The American Yawp is a traditional history text that tries to epitomize American history by expressing it as a summary. In this book process of creating America’s culture, transnational perspectives, narratives of resistance and integration of different opinions are explored. Although various themes are present in America Yawp, this paper, therefore, examines reform theme in sectional crisis, Civil war, and Reconstruction.
Definition of Reform
Reform is a set of processes and actions aimed at changing an institution or a practice. In history, the theme of reform involves all activities undertaken to improve practices of Government, society and other institutions to strengthen them.
The role played by Reform
In a sectional crisis, reform helps to understand how slavery created conflict between various sections of America and how this impacted government decisions as well as politics. Reform in Civil war portrays the role played by the participation of people in ending slavery trade which is a resultant of war (Locke and Wright, 2018). The role played by reform in Reconstruction involved attainment of America citizenship for freed slaves while marking abolishment of slavery. The following are some examples of reform theme;
The Sectional Crisis
Haitian Revolution is one example of the reform theme as it explains military actions which, aimed at ending slavery. The reform leads to the freeing of slaves thus facilitating…

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