Refelction on Rameens mens fashions

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Refelction on Rameens mens fashions

Category: Editing

Subcategory: Management

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 550

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TOC o “1-3” h z u Reflection on Customer Services PAGEREF _Toc522732854 h 3Marketing Strategies PAGEREF _Toc522732855 h 4
Reflection on Customer ServicesAs an online shop, Rameen’s men’s fashion will be based on the online platforms. The customers will get the chance to book their favorite fashion items online. Apart from this, the customers are guaranteed of better satisfaction. Through giving the customers the original and quality fashion products, Rameen’s men’s fashion will ensure that it forms a client base that will last forever. This website is also condusive for the customers as there is little focus on the complications. The customers will have the best ways of interacting with the website administrations. To ensure that the customers are listened to, there are different interactive platforms that the company have. The other customer service is the use of other platforms such as the other e-commerce services. E-commerce website gives the company an opportunity to interact with customers’ online (Kim, & Srivastava, 2007, p. 45). This is due to the change in information technology that has globally changed the human way of life. Information technology, therefore, gives a business platform to extend its market share. Rameen’s men’s fashions is a fashion provider website that majors mostly on th…

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