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Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Communication

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Public Speaking
Public Speaking
Promising topic areas
Human trafficking (2)
Conservation of the environment (3)
The death penalty (5)
Over-reliance on the internet and social networking sites (1)
Role of technology in agriculture (4)
Promising speech topics
Indicators of the over-reliance on the internet and social networking sites
Effects of the over-reliance on the internet and social networking sites
Measures taken by society against the over-reliance on the internet and social networking sites
Over-reliance on the internet and social networking sites
General purpose: To demonstrate the adverse effects of the over-reliance on the internet and social networking sites.
Specific purpose: By demonstrating the adverse effects of the over-reliance on the internet and social networking sites, the speech will aim at providing reasons for the need of restrictions on the use of the internet and social networking sites.
Thesis statement: The speech will seek to demonstrate that the internet and specifically social networking websites should be restricted due to people’s overdependence on them.
Some of the effects of the over-reliance on the internet and social networking websites, which will be demonstrated in the speech, include:
Poor academic performance
Health effects such as depression
Damaged face-to-face communication
Abusing user vulnerability
Increasing cyberbullying
Increased use of online pornography
These effects will aim t…

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