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Category: Essay

Subcategory: Psychology

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Research Questions
Research Questions
Selecting articles from prestigious journals is a critical factor in determining the quality of information to be used in the literature review. However, there are important factors that should be made before taking this particular approach. First, the keywords used are overly general, and this could lead to the generation of a long list of articles. In this case, although some of the articles may be closely related, most of them may be remotely related to the research problem. To remain within the scope of the selected topic of study, it is essential to narrow down the articles to those that are closely related to the study question. Later on, a researcher can further cut back the journal articles based on the quality. Hence without doing this, the approach may not be appropriate for a scholarly literature review.
The World Wide Web allows people to access a vast range of information. Nonetheless, most of the information that is present on the web is not scrutinized to ensure its credibility or accuracy. Hence, a researcher must be keen on what he/she is reading. At the same time, a young researcher may not have the expertise required to determine whether the information available on the web is of good quality to enable them to decide on the appropriate material to use in the study. Additionally, most professional content is usually found in credible sources such as journals and books (Eaton, 2018). Also, when b…

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