Proposal report 4

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Proposal report 4

Category: Presentation or speech

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 550

Course code:
Note Presentation
The company has gained a lot from the latest project due to the employees putting much effort. However, the management has not yet acknowledged their efforts and the employees feel exhausted and unenthusiastic. The workers need a reward to motivate them and boost their morale so that they actively participate in future projects. Similarly, the award will make the employees feel appreciated by the management for showing great effort.
Although the company comprises of several departments and status for employees, everyone played a role in the last project. Since all the employees and the management were involved in making the previous project a success, they all need acknowledgment and motivation. The reward will, therefore, go to all the employees of the company. The company has a total of forty employees. They include the senior managers, junior managers, the secretaries, cleaners and the departmental workers.
The company management has chosen paid retreats as a reward to the employees for their commitment and loyalty. The vacations will allow employees to ease the tensions created at the office. Similarly, retreats will give employees a chance to develop a good working relationship since it will increase productivity. Also, the retreats are a recognition of the employees’ efforts in seeing projects to completion. Therefore, paid retreats are a better choice of a reward to workers.
The retreat should take pl…

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