Police rationalize misconduct

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Police rationalize misconduct

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Criminal Justice

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275


The noble course argument has often aroused debates especially in the context of law enforcement. Scholars have always sought to decipher the details concerning this concept with very little consensus due to the intricate nature of this argument. In the context of the police, the noble course argument on misconduct and corruption notes that police may be bound to a certain ethical system that allows them to commit corrupt acts or engage in certain misconducts if they will lead to the realization of the greater good of the society. While traditional corruption entails the acts of people seeking personal gain at any cost, noble course corruption, centers on the view that one is righteous despite being unethical if their actions will lead to the apprehension of criminals (Albrecht 2017). In this argument, the police will do anything in their powers to address crime even when their actions contravene the law, for as long as the end result benefits the general public. Simply put, the police often take a moral commitment all in an effort to make the world a safer place for the general public.
In many instances, the perpetrators of crime are usually well identified. However, the law may restrain the police even when the crimes are clear thereby limiting the acquisition of justice. While the rule of law insists on the innocence of suspects, sometimes the rule of law becomes overprotective of offenders. The noble cause argument, therefore, all…

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