Philosophy Critical thinking

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Philosophy Critical thinking

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Philosophy

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Question 1
Andrea denies that she is an atheist, so she must be an atheist.
This statement is an argument because it has both the claim and a conclusion, “Andrea denies that she is an atheist is the premise of the argument and so she must be an atheist,” is the argument conclusion (Grimshaw 5). The statement is an example of an inductive argument. The given argument is not good because it is based on a fallacy and, therefore, can offer both strong and weak reasons. It is not true all individuals who deny being atheists are considered so.
Question 13
The Eagles are the most popular rock group in history because they have sold the most records.
This statement is an argument because it presents both the premise and a conclusion. “The Eagles are the most popular rock group in history” is the claim of the argument. ‘Because they have sold the most records” is the evidence for the claim. It is an inductive argument because it is defensible. The argument is good. It can be considered to be a fallacy because of the several factors that can be used to determine the popularity of a musical group and it is not associated to a single aspect.
Question 20
The biblical story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden is true. If it weren’t true, it would not be in the bible.
The given statement is an argument; it presents both the premises and the conclusion of the argument. “The biblical story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden is tr…

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