Persuasion speech

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Persuasion speech

Category: Presentation or speech

Subcategory: Communication

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Persuasion Speech on Climate Change
Persuasive Speech on Climate Change
Human beings release 38.2 billion tons of carbon dioxide gas every 364 days. The average person on a daily basis exhales almost 2.3 pounds of carbon dioxide. The current levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have already exceeded the levels in the last one hundred years (UN environment, 2018). Does anyone still think that the concerns about climate change are merely hot air? Think again! This persuasive speech will argue that climate change is a critical global threat to the environment and immediate action must be undertaken to reverse the trend.
Human activities are among the significant factors to contribute to the warming of the global climate in the last 50 years. Such human activities involve deforestation, change in agricultural methods and burning the fossil fuels. The activities cause the release of billions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere forming a layer that captures heat that would escape into space (UN environment, 2018). The phenomenon is known as the greenhouse effect, which causes an increase in temperature resulting in more flood, intense rain as well as more frequent and severe waves of heat among other changes to the climate. Scientists have found that temperatures levels in the current century are the highest since 1880. Such changes present challenges to both the society and environment such as effects on human health, agriculture, transport…

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