Outcome update

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Outcome update

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Communication

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Student’s Name:
Along with an analysis of Twitter posts, I reviewed a number of news articles from FOX News, CNN, NPR, and some smaller news organizations for cases where there was a little to no mainstream media attention. In the majority of the almost sixty articles I read, the news media went to great lengths to deliver a message that was unbiased and neutrally represented the allegations, position of the accuser, and the position of the accused. There were a few outlying instances in which the news media presented a biased viewpoint. According to the article on the FOX News, Judge Kozinski was not given the opportunity to give his side of the story concerning the sexual that was being alleged about him (Chamberlain n.p). The women who said that they were sexually harassed were given a chance to give their side of the story but not the judge (Chamberlain n.p). In another article from the FOX New, Bobby Scott’s accuser was discredited when Bobby gave his side of the story. Bobby also said that the truth about the accusation would come to light for that public to know who is right (Chamberlain Np). This was an indication that Bobby was firm and contented on his position concerning the false allegation (Chamberlain n.p). This was a clear evidence that these allegations that were made against Bobby were false. Generally, the major news media sources reported a rather unbiased chain of events since the start of the MeToo movement in the almos…

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