Olfaction and Taste

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Olfaction and Taste

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Psychology

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Olfaction and Taste
Olfaction and Taste
The olfactory system is the part of the body that handles the sense of smell and includes the nose, and several sections of the brain like the including the piriform cortex, amygdala, and entorhinal cortex are connected by the olfactory bulb (Scott, McBride, & Schneider, 2016). The sense of smell originates from specific sensory cells referred to as olfactory sensory neurons and are linked directly to the brain. Each neuron has an olfactory receptor that is stimulated by microscopic molecules produces by elements in the environment, for example, spoilt eggs or coffee brewing. When the neurons detect the molecules, the transmit messages to the brain which then determines the smell. The environment contains more cells than the number of receptors in a human body, and a molecule could end up stimulating more than one receptor, therefore producing a singular representation in the brain that registers as a unique smell.
In this process, the senses of smell and taste work hand in hand. Individuals may have taste receptors that have varying response features, or they may have varying numbers of similar taste receptors (Scott, McBride, & Schneider, 2016). Also, people might differ in the DNA sequence of the sweet receptors or other transduction molecules, where some have receptors that are better tweaked to sweet or savory foods. Consequently, the same food may taste bad for some people and good for others. Vari…

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