Nursing Coursework

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Nursing Coursework

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Nursing

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

My Leadership Journey
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Institution Affiliation
My Leadership Journey
In the course of learning, I identified two new areas regarding leadership in NR504. The two areas include creating a vision and inspiring others. As a nurse leader, a clear vision provides direction to an individual and other people by offering precise views and philosophies (Frankel, & PGCMS, 2018). Therefore, vision creation and inspiring others would be important areas in my future profession, as a practicing nurse.
Firstly, I will utilize vision to create the nonexistent functions in the nursing profession. Since nursing is leadership and not a management function, I will mobilize fellow employees to work as a team. While working together, it will be possible to provide efficient and reliable patient care to the clients. Besides, with a clear vision, the team will be motivated to achieve the set goals even in the most challenging times. Secondly, vision creation aligns the nursing practice’s development and values with the staff’s behaviors to ensure effective delivery of care (Grossman, & Valiga, 2016). With a clear vision, all healthcare stakeholders and I will work to organizational eliminate challenges and deliver the services faster.
By believing in the created vision, I will be able to convince and inspire others to continue working towards a common goal. The effort starts with the concept of ‘I’ before extending to ‘you’ and ‘he or she.’ As an idea…

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