Network Security

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Network Security

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Computer Science

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Professor’s Name
Network Security
Section 1: Business Environment
Given the location of the company in the shopping mall, the network is designed to be cost effective and high performance (Admin). Therefore, the shopping mall has wireless routers installed all over the building serving both businesses and customers. Although there is network isolation between businesses and staff, the IT environment is not constructed to prioritize security. Furthermore, the company allows both phone email apps and webmail which exposes the IT environment to additional security risks.
Section 2: Security Policy
For the acceptable use policy, staff members should ensure confidentiality of company secrets on the internet and social media platforms.The email policy has been designed to minimize the risk of security incidents. The mobile device policy is designed to address the various risks associated with using a public Wi-Fi. The password policy is similar the standard password policies used in a majority of businesses.
Section 3: Standards
The staff should not misuse corporate systems to avoid exposing the company to security risks. All security incidents such as the loss of a company flash drive have to be reported to the IT department. Every device will have antivirus software installed to detect emails with viruses and discard them immediately. Offensive and fouls language is not permitted in emails. Emails will be treated as official documentat…

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