Myself as a Mentee

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Myself as a Mentee

Category: Reflective Essay

Subcategory: Economics

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Myself as a Mentee
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Myself as a Mentee
After conducting a successful self-assessment, I realized that I have certain strengths. First I an active listener, whenever my mentor is talking to me, I usually listen attentively while noting down important points ( More so, I have noted that I am self-confident, I am never afraid of challenging the mentor. I do not always believe that my mentor is right and therefore anytime I have doubts about something I usually ask a thoughtful question. Also, I often express my ideas openly. However, I have also learned that I have a few weaknesses, for instance, I have a tendency of leaving out my mentor to decide on what to talk to me about ( I usually feel that we have interacted enough to the extent that I expect the mentor to know the areas that should be addressed in my life. As such, this has prevented me from achieving the full benefits of mentorship. Another weakness I have is that I think that my mentor is always available. Therefore, every time I need advice I usually call her without considering that she also has her own schedule.
According to the article “Career Success Outcomes associated with Mentoring,” organization citizenship behavior” is an individual’s commitment to an organization that is not mandatory in contractual terms but encourages organizational efficiency and teamwork (Allen, Lentz & Day, 2006). In this light, mentoring plays a critical role…

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