Musical Theatre and its Importance

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Musical Theatre and its Importance

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Film and Theater

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Musical Theatre and its Importance
Musical Theatre and its Importance
Musical theatre can be defined as a performance that puts together songs, spoken dialogue, acting, and dance. American musical theatre has transformed in the last 2000 years. It has moved from musical comedy age to musical drama and contemporary music.
Musical theatre plays various roles including but not limited to: offering artistic and commercial appeal, raising various subject issues such as cultural integration, unemployment, environmental destruction, political upheavals, sexual exploitation, and gang violence.
One of the musical titles The Lion King intrigues having watched its show. This is in the way the way the show uses costumes, puppets, masks, and special effects to advance the story of leadership succession in an animal jungle. The songs such as Circle of life make the show livelier. The setting is African, and the South African rhythms by Lebo M complement the musical tone on which piece is based (“The Lion King Review from 1999”, n.d.).
Musical theatre plays a significant role in cultural integration in society. This is through advocacy of various issues that are of discontent in the society such as racial segregation and differences in the way of life even including the languages spoken that can at times lead to miscommunication among the people. Musical theatre leads to the congregation of people from different cultures in the theatre as fans of a particular genre…

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