Minority Group Model of Disability

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Minority Group Model of Disability

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Minority-Group Model of Disability
This model aims at shattering the general characterization and debilitation of the disabled people. Through the model, the government and society continue to devise methodologies for addressing the necessities of disabled individuals who are regularly regarded with skepticism. The model strives to shatter the notions that disabled people do not mirror a genuine world as they are frequently deficient and support limited reasoning, and only from time to time offer definite direction for actions. Also, they are a valuable system that picks up the understanding of handicap issues and further the viewpoint held by those making and applying the models.
Additionally, the model tends to content from a socio-political perspective that incapacity originates from the disappointment of society to conform to address the issues and yearnings of an impaired minority. It shows a profoundly alternate point of view on handicap issues and parallels the tenet of those worried about racial correspondence that “bigotry is an issue of whites from which blacks endure” (Hahn 177). Therefore, if the issue lies with society and nature, at that point, society and condition must change.
From the videos, the disabled are encouraged to beat the odds and venture into success stories. For instance, in the video Viktoria Modesta – Prototype, Viktoria presents her magnificence despite being an amputee. The belief she ha…

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