MeToo Movement

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MeToo Movement

Category: Editing

Subcategory: Communication

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Course Title:
MeToo Movement
The materials we will find to begin our research will include tweets, news media articles, government records, lawsuits, legislative changes and publications related to the accusations. To narrow down our search, we will cross-reference multiple articles listing all political officials accused from the #metoo movement three months before and after October 2017. For the analysis, we will focus on major news media outlets such as NPR, Fox News, CNN, NBC, and PBS.
Our timeline and scope of research will keep our sample within a timeframe small enough to maintain its relevance to current events. Most of our study will come from publications and tweets written in the last three to nine months. We will analyze the relationship between the accusations made on Twitter, reports from major media publications, and real-world repercussions to politicians (Sekaran and Roger, 333). These repercussions could include lawsuits, job loss, public shaming through social media, punitive action, and legislative changes.
Further, we will look at Twitter, legislation, and articles from the listed news sources to determine their positive or negative outlook on each sexual assault/harassment accusation (Sekaran and Roger, 334). This will be a quantitative analysis of a qualitative data set. It will then be compiled and used to create our conclusion regarding how media has influenced politics via the #metoo movement.

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