Management Critical thinking

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Management Critical thinking

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Management

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 550

Big Data is Opening Doors

Big data refers to the process of collecting large volumes of data which might either be organized or unorganized. The data is then processed to provide useful information that can be used in various industries to improve different services and products. Technological advancement, especially in the smartphone sector, has resulted in the development of a wide range of applications some of which collect data. For examples, in the healthcare sector information obtained from patients can be used to indicate how certain medications affect different people, therefore, paving the way for improvement. In the transport industry, information gathered with the help of applications showing the location of the users can be used to determine roads experiencing heavy traffic through analyzing the speed of the users and number of devices in particular area; this makes it possible to provide other drivers with alternative routes which are less congested. However, in some situation, applications can be used to collect more information than required resulting in privacy violation, the research below focusses on solutions that can be used to solve these problems.
Keywords: Big data, security, data, information.

Big Data is Opening Doors
Amazon has been using big data for a long time. The company pioneered the e-commerce industry in many ways. However, one of its most significant innovation is the creation of a recommendation syst…

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