maketing plan

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maketing plan

Category: Term paper

Subcategory: Communication

Level: University

Pages: 5

Words: 1375

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Transitioning Media- Marketing and Branding In a Digital World
‘The Olympic Games have helped many nations to create a peaceful and better world through education by practising sport without segregation. The Olympic character involves mutual understanding, friendship, togetherness and fair play. One cannot imagine central Tokyo’s lustrous area of concrete buildings that stand today compared to the pictures of the unstable city in 1959. After the United States of America bombed Japan in 1945, Japan’s capital surprised the world when they won the tender for hosting the 1964 Olympics. The city was ruinous with miles of degraded roads and hardly any decent hotels. Very few people in Tokyo had flush toilets. Air pollution was worse than before. Oxygen cylinders had to be sold in vending machines. It created an urban transformation in history becoming a first-world city in five years.
Tokyo is planning another transformation for the Olympics in 2020. The governor of Tokyo wants to use the Olympic Games as a stepping stone to make it the best city on the planet. Adding to twenty-two new Olympic venues are plans that include new infrastructure. The building plans have shown growing concerns when considering cost. The valuation of the stadium restorations has increased as construction and labour expenses have risen. Cost concerns may result in some businesses moving out of the capital to the surrounding envir…

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