major racial/ethnic/gender/homosexual groups are most unfairly treated by police organizations?

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major racial/ethnic/gender/homosexual groups are most unfairly treated by police organizations?

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Criminal Justice

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Police mistreatment of Homosexuals
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Police mistreatment of Homosexuals
The Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transsexual (LGBT) community is constantly discriminated and harassed by police officers. Notably, mistreatment hinders successful policing in those communities because trust is broken and communication inhibited such that officers are prevented from attending to the communities. For instance, the United States has a history of exploitation of the LGBT people especially the people of color, youths and transgender individuals. The LGBT community is often harassed by police officers because of their sexual orientation.
Before the 1990s, homosexuals were unable to declare and discuss their sexual orientation openly. According to Palmiotto & Unnithan, (2010), the homosexual community lacks a voice in recorded police history,and they are obnoxious by the police in contemporary society. As such, the two authors declare that it is illegal for the police department to reject an employment application from a homosexual individual. Mallory, Hasenbush and Sears, (2015)cite a report on a national survey on LGBT individuals in 2014, which found that over 73% had a face-to-face encounter with the police in a five years span. Notably, 21% of the respondents reported encountering hostility, 14% reportedthe verbalassault, while 3% claimed to have been sexually harassed. The common denominator underlying police officers’ interaction with m…

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