Leadership Assessment

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Leadership Assessment

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Business

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Leadership Assessment
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Professor’s Name
Course Title
Date of Submission
Nooyi is the CEO of PepsiCo. She has led the company to realize great success through structuring the organization based on short-term and long-term goals. This helps in organizing employees in teams that deliver short and long-term goals. She also emphasizes the importance of understanding public/private partnerships. According to her treating people with respect goes a long way in sustaining relationships (Annan-Diab & Molinari, 2017).
Nooyi employs democratic and maternal kind of leadership. Democratic leadership helps Nooyi to understand individuals and teams and organize teams by function based on their passion and qualifications. Additionally, the maternal leadership style allows the leader to care about the needs of employees such that they are placed in teams where they feel comfortable (Sgueo, 2015).
I believe I have some abilities, skills, and knowledge that can be applied to problem-solving. In various instances, I have been able to identify problems and also sought for solutions. This skill has helped me in my career and even in daily life situations. I believe that these skills will help me in the future to live with others and make their lives better (Hickman & Silva, 2018).
When it comes to team building, under her leadership, Indra Nooyi was able to coach her executive team members and employees toward higher levels of performance and created a new team …

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