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Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Business

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275


In any work environment, the order is crucial. To maintain order or organization, most people believe that there should be someone to oversee, lead and manage others to ensure that there are smooth operations. There are different types of leaders such as democratic, pacesetting, coaching, authoritative, affiliative, and coerciveCITATION Dan00 p 5 l 1033 (Goleman 5). Goleman also argues that those leaders who use leadership styles that affect the working climate positively get better results or business performance regarding high sales, revenues, profitability, and finances especially leaders who employ authentic, democratic, affiliate and coaching styles. It is therefore apparent that the more techniques exhibited, the better.
It is possible for a company to work without a leader and still reap tremendous profits and increase productivity. The three values Semco, a company in Brazil, base their programs include democracy, profit sharing, and information CITATION Ric01 p 77 l 1033 (Semler 77). For instance, for Semco, the subordinates earn more salaries than those who lead them and they as well evaluate their managers. This is crucial as it allows the employees to have the freedom and sense of power, therefore, reducing pressure and increasing productivity. Management should give its employees the chance to make decisions on issues that affect their lives as this will have a positive impact on their …

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