Kilauea Eruption

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Kilauea Eruption

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Geology

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

The Kilauea Volcanic Eruption
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Kilauea volcanic eruption is classified as one of the worst explosions in the recent times. It is unclear whether it is continuous. The volcano has led to the loss of property of unknown value, claimed several lives as well as rendering several people homeless.
“Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano erupted in early May, sending a smoldering flow of lava into residential areas on the Big Island.
Authorities ordered people living in Leilani Estates and Lanipuna Gardens to take shelter in local community centers. Volcanic vents, or fissures, have cracked open across the area and gobbled up dozens of homes and vehicles.
The eruption came after hundreds of earthquakes jarred the island’s eastern side. And since Kilauea’s massive eruption, more than 2,000 quakes have struck on or around the Big Island.
Kilauea has threatened residents with the eruption of its Puu Oo vent since 1983, according to the US Geological Survey” (Tilotta et al., 2018).
The volcanic mountain has been simmering and bumbling for over 35 years although the lava is released into the ocean releasing gases in the process. However, this time around there was a significant adjustment to the volcano’s erupting system. The lava, according to the scientists, was forced east, creating the vents and fissures to crack subsequently releasing the lava forming a series of earthquakes in the area with the molten lava destroying property in its…

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