Keyword Plan revised

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Keyword Plan revised

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Communication

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Keyword Plan
Ethics are involved a wide range of disciplines. Mostly ethics relate to how people involved in a particular discipline are expected to behave while engaging in the field’s activities (Shove et al. 275; Mey et al. 897). One of the major research questions that may be associated with ethics is; how does the environment provided by a leader affect the ethical practices of subordinates (Grunig, 23)? The question guides the research towards determining the ways in which a leader in the group tends to affect the ability of followers to adhere or uphold ethical practices (Zhu et al. 713; Hansen 25). Also, the question can facilitate the acquisition of information to facilitate the identification of the ethical traits that a leader should possess to enhance adherence to ethical guidelines by subordinates.
Media, on the other hand, involves the collection and dissemination of information. However, information handles by the media has a great extent of significant in the society within which the firm or person operates since information is collected from the surroundings and released to the society (Tandoc and Ryan 243; Cahan 415; Christians 12). Therefore, one of the main research questions that can be associated with the media includes; what ethical guidelines should guide media personnel to minimize negative impacts on the society (Singer 210; Hanitzsch and Tim 143). Despite covering ethicality of medi…

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