Introduction to Contracts

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Introduction to Contracts

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Business

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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One of the primary contractual issues that may arise from the use of Facebook is the legal obligation of the service provider to protect users’ private information. Even though users share their data and information on their consent, it is the legal responsibility of Facebook to protect that information from third party access and not to use data for reasons other than those stated in the service policy. Another contractual issue is the obligation of users to respect and abide by the terms of services provided. During the sign-up process, Facebook requires its users to agree to a set of terms. By agreeing to these terms, users consent to the sharing of information and are thus bound by the terms of service.
The primary constituents of a valid contract include an offer, ratification of the offer, consideration, mutuality of obligation, capacity, and certainty (“Main Elements constituting A Valid Contract”, 2013). These components are present in the case of Facebook and its users. Facebook offers to connect the world while empowering people to express themselves, to communicate, and to share experiences that matter to them (“Terms of Service”, 2018). Before joining Facebook, a user must accept the data policy and terms of use. Consideration is also involved as Facebook asks users to provide personal information to necessitate socialization. A mutual obligation exists between Facebook and users where users agree …

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