International Security Studies

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International Security Studies

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: International Relations

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Date of Submission

International security studies (ISS) encompass a range of studies on threats linked to inter-state conflict. The historical materialism has contributed to the politics of security across international borders. Herring explains how the process has been achieved through realism, liberalism, social constructivism, and gender. The chapter further describes the major concepts linked to historical liberalism and how the contemporary world has demonstrated human security and adopted the right approaches in securing peace across the international borders. On the other hand, Agius argues attributes social constructivism to international security which is linked to ideas, interaction, and approaches toward security issues. What stood out most about the readings is the ability to adopt various thinking and ideas in enhancing international security studies
The international social perspective summarizes security debates which have influenced various social security perspectives. Chapter 3 summarizes the Kuhnian sociology of science and explains how the political, societal, and academic roles have enabled security scholars to research on the topic. Therefore, the post-Kuhnian sociology of science explains the evolution of ISS from mid1940’s. Moreover, the model demonstrates this by using five driving forces which concerns a social structure that impacts on ISS. These include the great power politics, techn…

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