Identify and discuss at least five characteristics that make the Earth unique as compared to other planets in our solar system.

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Identify and discuss at least five characteristics that make the Earth unique as compared to other planets in our solar system.

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Geology

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Five Characteristics That Make the Earth Unique
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Five Characteristics That Make the Earth Unique as Compared to the Other Planets in Our Solar System
The Earth differs from other planets in the solar system in a number of ways. It is the only planet that supports life due to the existence of liquid water, protective atmosphere, desirable temperature, and neither an intense nor dead ecological system. According to Waltham and Dartnell (2012), the Earth is unique for having a conducive amount of water that supports its evolving life. The exact amount of water on planet Earth is unknown. However, it is neither too much to cover the mountains nor too little like dry desert-like Venus and Mars (Waltham & Dartnell, 2012). Also, it is the only planet with an ozone layer that safeguards living creatures from the unsafe waves of the sun. The coating that was discovered by French physicists forms a thin buffer high in the sky. Another distinguishing feature linked to the Earth is plate tectonics. It is the only planet with these special regions, which maintain its comfortability. Waltham and Dartnell (2012) describe plate tectonics as floating regions located at the top of the magma of planet Earth. They usually move against each other to keep the Earth comfortable. It is critical to note that tectonic forces played a substantial role in shaping mars during its initial years.
Also, Earth is the only planet with air that is safe for …

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