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Category: Essay

Subcategory: Nursing

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

HIV and AIDS a Global Issue
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HIV and AIDS is a health condition that affects all societies and communities in the world. HIV is a sexually transmitted disease based on a virus that weakens people by destroying white blood cells responsible for a person’s immunity leading to AIDS which is a state of lack of adequate immunity in the body. Statistics show that more than thirty million people are living with HIV and this makes it a global issue. The infection is permanent, and this means that there is no cure, but there are ways of reducing the viral load which helps people manage the condition for many years. According to information from the CDC, three essential ways of infection include having unprotected sex with an infected person, being born by a mother who is infected and sharing sharp objects such as needles and razors with an infected person (HIV a Global Issue, 2018).
HIV and AIDS is a global issue because of the large number of people it affects. It, therefore, has a great implication on social and economic aspects of societies and communities because it reduces the number of healthy individuals. It also bears great risks of death when the viral load is too high. The larger health care system is greatly affected because of the need for large-scale health interventions needed to manage the diseases and reduce the risks of infection. It is a disease that disrupts communities, leaving many children orphaned and reducing economic …

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