Good Country People

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Good Country People

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Good Country People by Flannery O’Connor
The short story, “Good Country People” authored by Flannery O’Connor highlights the severe implications associated with confusing platitudes for actual insights. The story includes three main characters, Mrs. Hopewell, the Bible salesman and Hulga, who possess unique characteristics. By analyzing the unique features of Mrs. Hopewell and her daughter, Hulga (Joy), it becomes easier to comprehend the differences in their ideologies in terms of confusing platitudes for actual insights.
The factor that distinguishes Mrs. Hopewell from the rest is her frequent use of clichés or platitudes. From the beginning of the story, O’Connor illustrates that the life led by Mrs. Hopewell is led by empty narratives. O’Connor states, “Nothing is perfect. This was one of Mrs. Hopewell’s favorite sayings. Another was: that is life! And still another, the most important, was: well, other people have their opinions too,” (3). Her opinions can be viewed as vague and meaningless to the extent of her not realizing that she spends much time on her clichés rather than on her actual beliefs. Another example is her reference to the Freemans as “good country people”. It can be viewed that she believes that frequently using the phrase, the perspective might come to pass. She also views her daughter, Hulga, in terms of clichés; an aspect that drives Hulga to reject the views.
Hulga also referred …

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