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Category: Essay

Subcategory: Psychology

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Freud’s Theories
First, I believe that Freud’s personality structures theory which stipulates that the mind has three abstract categories is correct. According to Freud, the three categories include the id, the ego, and the superego. As visible in the video, the id is the section of the mind which comprises of natural instincts, animalistic drives, and innate dispositions (Engard, 2009). Freud asserted that the id is absolutely unconscious and is not objective but operates based on the pleasure principle. According to Freud, the ego is the division of the brain that is fairly conscious and fairly unconscious. The ego is rational as it tries to assist the id get what it wants by differentiating between reality and imagination. Lastly, the superego is the division that is above the ego and entails the things that a person learns regarding what is right or wrong. It leads to a feel-good sensation when a person does something right. I believe in these theory/principles because just like the video demonstrates we all go through periods of internal debates and mood fluctuation as our thoughts shift among the three divisions (Engard, 2009). For instance, in one moment an individual may desire to go out with friends but within seconds change the decision and decide to stay indoors and read for exams. It is something that practically happens to everyone.
Equally, I believe Freud’s Psychosexual Stages are valid. These are five stages ranging from …

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