Federal Education Policies

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Federal Education Policies

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Psychology

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Federal Education Policies
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Federal Education Policies
Through the implementation of various policies desired to promote quality and equality, the Federal Government plays a significant part in education. Harris, Ladd, Smith, and West (2016) assert that the government has implemented various dogmas in the US to minimize educational achievement gaps and regulate the existing K-12 system. The law requires the government to fund public education to ensure higher student achievement in these schools. The other rules that have enhanced the status of education in the US today relate to teacher effectiveness, accountability, and common standards. The teacher effectiveness policy calls upon the recruitment of charismatic and enigmatic instructors who will ensure the provision of high-quality education besides securing the future of the country in the competitive international marketplace (Harris et al., 2016). Policies associated with accountability and common standards have promoted effectiveness in the US education system by ensuring that both students and schools take responsibility for progress or lack of growth.
Needed Changes
The percentage of school dropouts is still high in the US irrespective of the increasing participation of the government in the education system. The government should prioritize early learning by increasing the amounts of resources dedicated towards this program to guarantee that lea…

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