Evaluating Evidence

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Evaluating Evidence

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Nursing

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Meta-Analyses and Systematic Reviews
Evaluating evidence refers to the ability of a researcher to criticise or to evaluate the merits of different arguments while developing a conviction in the argument. Evidence evolution makes the researcher grantees validity. These methods are essential in offering support to other authors or criticising the work that they have done. Evaluating evidence can be used to tell the quality relevance as well as the significance of research that has been done by the researcher. Several methods can be used for evaluating evidence. However, the most commonly used methods of assessing evidence include; Meta-Analyses and Systematic Reviews.
These two methods can be compared against one another to see the positives and negatives of each one of them. Usually, there is a misconception of the similarities between systematic meta-analysis reviews. There are others who use them systematically. However, the two methods not the same and are different in many ways (Moher, Liberati, Tetzlaff, and Altman, 2009). Systematic review refers to a detailed and chronological method of gathering evidence to answer patients that are well defined. The review on how to be transparent in appraising and synthesising existing evidence (Rossi, and D’Addario, 2008). On the other hand, meta-analysis refers to a more statistical approach that combines data in a numeric form from different sources of study. Meta-analysis is used in the context of a revi…

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