Ethics in the Healthcare Industry

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Ethics in the Healthcare Industry

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Management

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 550

Ethics in the Healthcare Industry
Institutional Affiliation

Ethics in the Healthcare Industry
Medical supplies in the 21st century are competitive products with pharmaceutical companies fighting for a larger market share. The competition stiffened when the government outlawed extravagant techniques of catching the attention of doctors and medical professionals in their respective health centers. Interestingly, the federal government considers lunches as a non-sequential marketing strategy that pharmaceutical companies may apply to woo the medical staff. New York Times’s Stephanie Saul developed an article titled Drug Makers Pay for Lunch as They Pitch provides more insight. She describes how these seemingly small lunches have an advance impact on prescription orders as well as the efficiency of health care provided. In addition, the payment of lunches corresponds to the type and number of prescribed drugs offered by doctors CITATION Ste06 l 1033 (Saul, 2006). A comprehensive analysis of the trend proves that these gifts are unethical and are deleterious to the quality of service offered to patients.
The incentives offered by sales representatives affect the delivery of timely and quality healthcare. Saul (2006) in his article acknowledges that some doctors keep their patients waiting as they talk to sales representatives. More so, some patients become weary of these representatives occupying crucial spaces in the waiting rooms of health centers and affecting…

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