Energy Metabolism

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Energy Metabolism

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Biology

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 550

Energy Metabolism
Respiration implies the reaction processes taking place within the cells of living organisms. These reactions facilitate the conversion of biochemical energy obtained from nutrients into adenosine triphosphate. The end products are released as waste products. The respiration process is further divided into three major categories namely electron transport chain, glycolysis, and citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle) (DeBerardinis 14).
Glycolysis is a process that occurs in the cytoplasm. It involves breaking glucose into two molecules of pyruvate. Citric acid cycle involves breaking down further of pyruvate into carbon dioxide in the mitochondria. Electron transport chain is the process by which a series of complexes transfer electrons from electron donors to the acceptors via complex reactions across a cell membrane. Based on the definitions, cancer cells have been proven to have adapted to multiplying themselves with or without oxygen through their respiration. The adaptability is enabled through producing glucose that provides energy in the absence of oxygen through a process of fermentation (Macheda, Rogers, and Best 656).
The main difference between fermentation and respiration is the utilization of oxygen. In the respiration, oxygen is a major component used in the process, while, fermentation does not involve the use of oxygen. The fermentation process occurs due to the lack of oxygen, while, the process of respiration in…

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