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Category: Essay

Subcategory: Communication

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Student’s name
Professor’s name
Course number
An audience is any person or group of people who read, watch, or consume media. My audience for my e-portfolio is employers and firms seeking employees. What turns the targeted group into the above description is the type of data that the site provides. After graduating, job seeking forms the next most important part of a person’s life, and the e-portfolio offers vital information that companies and other employers require to assess the viability of a person to be one of their employees (Nightingale, 382).
Reflection on my context.
I know of other websites that provide information for self-expression. The sites offer different types of information to people who visit them depending on the kind of connection they have with the owner. With that, the websites give people freedom and help the web designers in coming up with more interactive sites.
I have several websites in mind which one can design to carry out different tasks. Universities offer different courses hence different graduates should have sites that will lead them to employers specializing in their field of study. Also, from the side of employers, they can have sites which provide the information that they require from an applicant. The above websites speak to different audiences. For the students, the employers and firms are the audiences while the students are the audience for the employer’s site.
Their purpose is to provide…

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