DQ2 Public speaking

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DQ2 Public speaking

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Communication

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Public Speaking
Student’s name
Modern advertising is not just a reflection of a prevalent culture or social trends, however, in some way advertisement influence public communication. Over the last two decades, the link between body image and advertisement cannot be ignored. Even though the vast majority of body image effects are on ladies the growing effect on men cannot be ignored either, as we are currently bombarded with adverts that portly a thin fat body as the ideal body. For instance, the “beach body ready” campaign advert which communicates about weight loss features a bikini-clad model. The ads are a good example of body shaming and at the same time, it perpetuates sexist stereotype which can contribute to harm ladies by limiting how ladies with other body shape view themselves as well as how other people see them in the perception of their life decisions. The adverts may trigger questions related to health and body confidence concerns.
Today, we are living in a swiftly changing world as we are more connected than ever before. As such for products and services to reach the potential buyers advertising has become the single most prevalent and influential form of public communication. Thus, we can say that advertising is playing an important role in shaping several elements of the societies such as customs, beliefs, behaviors among others. In the murder advertising, women are used as objects and sometimes as a target. Maybe, women are dom…

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