Dissertation Qinhao ShorterVersion 1

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Dissertation Qinhao ShorterVersion 1

Category: Dissertation

Subcategory: Bioengineering

Level: PhD

Pages: 40

Words: 11000

With the reduction in supply of conventional energy resources on this planet, it is critical and necessary to launch an investigation into renewable energy for a sustainable future. The United States Department of Energy (DOE) projects that the U.S. will receive 20 percent of the its energy supply from renewable energy by 2030. This is equivalently to around a 300 GW capacity. Recently in Europe, wind generators have been constructed offshore of Denmark. With the rise of renewable energy, the configuration of power systems will have to change accordingly. Therefore, more advanced control techniques are needed for addressing the issues occurred in a renewable or hybrid power system. There may also need to improvements to energy conversion efficiency so that more energy can be extracted from the renewable energy resources. This dissertation is going to present the power module of MPPT and also examine the time delay issue that occurs in the microgrid or medium voltage DC system.
Currently, the grid is in the process of upgrading. The goal of is to ensure that the next generation grid is more resilient and smarter in dealing with voltage and power fluctuations. With increasing amounts of renewable energy entering the current grid network, there is going to be an increasing distributed, constant power load in the power grid as more distributed power generators enter the field. With such high performance required in power regulation, it is critical to eliminate an…

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